Vertimowing sometimes referred to as “Verticutting” “Grooming” “Scarifying” is the process in which a scarifier or verticutter is used to aggressively remove built up dead grass and thatch the technical explanation is “Thatch is a tightly intermingled layer of living and dead stems, leaves, and roots which accumulates between the layer of actively growing grass and the soil underneath”
How do I know if I need to vertimow?
You will need to vertimow when you lawn starts to become very thick and spongey and you’re your lawn mower starts to “Scalp” your lawn leaving an unsitely yellow white appearance after mowing.
Vertimowing is something that should be carried out every few years to remove all the built up dead material that cannot break down fast enough to keep up with the amount that is being produced
How long until my lawn is green again?
There is no simple answer unfortunately, a healthy lawn before vertimowing will recover much faster that a lawn that has been neglected in the past and is currently struggling, it can be anywhere from 4-6 weeks until your lawn has fully recovered from vertimowing, this will also depend on how well you take take care of it after we vertimow.
- Remove thatch and leave a short firm surface with reduced to no scalping
- Allows your lawn to breathe promoting a much healthier happy lawn
- Reduce the risk of fungal issues through spring and autumn when temperatures are humid
- Reduce the amount of water needed to maintain a beautiful healthy lawn.